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Head of School Weekly Blog



On this page you will find weekly informative blogs. 

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  • WEEK 9 - Friday 8 November 2024

    Published 08/11/24

    I hope you had a wonderful, restful half term and managed to do some exciting things with family and friends. 

    After many years of dedicated service to our school community, Mr. Walker, our caretaker, retired this week. Mr. Walker has been an integral part of our team, always going above and beyond to ensure the school grounds and facilities have been safe, clean, and well-maintained. His hard work and commitment have made a positive impact on the daily running of the school, and he will be greatly missed by both staff and learners. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Walker for his years of service and to wish him all the best in his retirement. 

    Mrs Wall has also moved onto pastures new this week. I know that many of you will have met with Mrs Wall on numerous occasions and I am sure you join us in wishing her well in her new endeavour. We are in the process of securing a replacement. In the meantime, please ensure SEND queries are sent to  

    As of next week, we would like learners to come to school in PE Kits on the days that they have PE. This is to ensure they have maximum opportunity to participate in the physical activities and time is not wasted changing. They will stay in their kits for the remainder of that day.  

    As part of our commitment to keeping all students safe, we would like to remind everyone that packed lunches should not contain any nuts or nut-based products. This includes items such as peanut butter, nut bars, and other snacks that may contain traces of nuts. We have students with severe nut allergies, and even trace amounts can cause serious health risks. Your cooperation in ensuring that all packed lunches are nut-free is greatly appreciated and helps us maintain a safe environment for all. 

    This week, 2 very exciting projects were completed – we have a beautiful new EYFS outdoor area and our Eco Flag is now flying high near the allotment area. Well done Mrs Smith and team for your achievement. Speaking of Mrs Smith....... 

    A message from Mrs Smith -  

    Following on from our last collection of plastic lids, we were pleased to have achieved 34000 points! This meant we were able to order one table and 6 chairs for our outside area! Please keep collecting for us to access more of these brilliant items and help the planet in the process. 

    Additionally, on Tuesday 26th November, we have a Bags2School collection, if you have any bags, please drop off at school by 9am. Thank you. 

    Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you next week.  

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 7 - Friday 18 October 2024

    Published 18/10/24

    It’s been a busy week this week with community involvement, and I have loved it! 

    On Tuesday after school, I was lucky enough to accompany our Year 5/6 girls to Wolfreton for a football tournament. I was delighted for them when they won their first two matches and came 4th out of 7 teams overall. A super effort by all players and great sportsmanship throughout. Thank you also to those parents who were able to come and support this. 

    Also this week, as I was driving down the drive after a meeting, from a distance I spotted unfamiliar people in the Nursery play area and then realised that it was family members attending the Stay and Play session. It looked like a fab time was being had by all. Again – thank you for your support with this. 

    On Monday and Wednesday this week, we also held our Progress Evenings. I would like to thank those who attended a session. Please expect a call from your child’s class teacher if you did not manage to arrange an appointment.  

    Thank you to those parents who have completed our Homework Survey. Please be patient whilst we collate and analyse the results, and we will send an update on the Homework offer as soon as possible.  

    Please remember that school is closed on Friday 25 October next week for staff training day. 

    Have a super weekend and I will see you next week for the final week of this half term.

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 6 - Friday 11 October 2024

    Published 11/10/24

    With 2 weeks remaining of this half term, we have completed another jam-packed week of learning at Penshurst. 

    World Mental Health Day took place on Thursday and the school was awash with bright, sunny yellow. Thank you for supporting with this.  

    Once again, we have had a few reported cases of headlice – this time in a Year 1 class. Please check your child’s hair and treat accordingly if you notice anything. 

    Next week, we have 2 significant events taking place: 

    • Progress Evenings will take place on Monday and Wednesday evenings – If you haven’t done so, please remember to book your appointments (please see letter previously sent) 
    • Nursery Stay & Play session – please see letter to book your place to attend 

    Have a super weekend.  

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 5 - Friday 4 October 2024

    Published 04/10/24

    We have had a few queries regarding homework expectations at Penshurst.  

    We will begin a consultation with you in the next couple of weeks as this is a priority for us this year and we would like to gather your views. In the meantime (with the exception of Year 6 who are working towards their SATs and theirs may change frequently), the expectation is as follows: 

    Read 3 x per week. This can be a reading book or on Reading Plus or a mixture of the two (Year 1 do not access Reading Plus) 

    Times Tables practice on TTRS (Numbots for KS1). 

    Weekly spellings 

    Revision of their Penhsurst Graduate Award sheets. This can also count as one of their reads.  

    There has also been a query regarding when the books should be in school. It is good practice for your child to bring their book each day as they may have pockets where they are able to read to the teacher.  

    Please look out for further communication regarding the homework consultation. 

    This week, KCOM visited our Year 4 learners to deliver a workshop which links to their unit of Systems and Networks.  

    Our Reception held a Phonics and Maths workshop to parents this week that was very well attended. Thank you for your support with this. 

    On Thursday, our learners had their photographs taken. Obviously, we will let you know when these arrive. 

    Next week; 

    A reminder that on Thursday 10 October, it is World Mental Health Day. Please encourage your child to wear yellow on this day.  

    I hope you have a super weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.  

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 4 - Friday 27 September 2024

    Published 27/09/24

    We have finally reached the end of the Year 4 swimming lessons (taking place over the last 2 weeks), and I am told that all have had a wonderful time.  

    Also this week, flu vaccinations were administered to children from Reception to Year 6. If your child missed their vaccination for whatever reason, a follow up session is due to take place shortly - further information to follow. 

    On Tuesday after school, I had the pleasure of attending the Year 6 Boys Football tournament at Wolfreton. Whilst we didn’t win the overall tournament, I was so impressed with how well the boys played and how they cooperated impeccably as a team. I had a little tear in my eye when I witnessed Blu from Year 6 shake the hand of the organiser and thank him before we left. Now that’s sportsmanship! 

    We have had a few reported cases of headlice in our Reception class over the last 2 weeks. Please check your child’s hair and treat accordingly if you notice anything. 

    This week, I had to check the CCTV camera footage. Whilst doing so, I witnessed parents scooting back down the path and somebody vaping. Unfortunately, I could not identify them to address in person, so this is a gentle reminder that both of these are prohibited as aim to set a good example for our learners. Thank you for your cooperation.  

    Next week, please remember that individual photographs will be taken on Thursday 3rd October. Please refer to your previous letter for more details.  

    I hope you have a super weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week.  

    We have finally reached the end of the Year 4 swimming lessons (taking place over the last 2 weeks), and I am told that all have had a wonderful time.  

    Also this week, flu vaccinations were administered to children from Reception to Year 6. If your child missed their vaccination for whatever reason, a follow up session is due to take place shortly - further information to follow. 

    On Tuesday after school, I had the pleasure of attending the Year 6 Boys Football tournament at Wolfreton. Whilst we didn’t win the overall tournament, I was so impressed with how well the boys played and how they cooperated impeccably as a team. I had a little tear in my eye when I witnessed Blu from Year 6 shake the hand of the organiser and thank him before we left. Now that’s sportsmanship! 

    We have had a few reported cases of headlice in our Reception class over the last 2 weeks. Please check your child’s hair and treat accordingly if you notice anything. 

    This week, I had to check the CCTV camera footage. Whilst doing so, I witnessed parents scooting back down the path and somebody vaping. Unfortunately, I could not identify them to address in person, so this is a gentle reminder that both of these are prohibited as aim to set a good example for our learners. Thank you for your cooperation.  

    Please accept our apologies as due to staffing issues, Mrs Smith was unable to monitor the cycle to school event this week. Further information and rearranged dates will be sent out shortly. 

    Next week, please remember that individual photographs will be taken on Thursday 3rd October. Please refer to your previous letter for more details.  

    I hope you have a super weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week.  

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 3 - Friday 20 September 2024

    Published 20/09/24

    This week, Mrs Smith has been busy talking to our learners about all things Eco. We are still eagerly collecting plastic bottle tops and have now even made this a house competition, so please support your child to bring in as many in as possible. Over the summer break, Mrs Smith and Mrs Holmes visited the factory which recycles the tops into functional, everyday items, and they were astounded with the initiative. So far, we have been able to ‘purchase’ several planters for the allotment and the site, and we are now keen to work towards a table and 4 chairs. Currently, we have 20,960 points and we need to reach 24,000 in order to achieve our goal. Please also remember that we recycle your batteries! 

    Also this week, we held our Year 6 Residential information session for parents on Wednesday, and Year 4 began their fortnight of swimming lessons at Haltemprice. Football and cross country trials have also been very well attended this week. Thank you for your support with all of these events.  

    Cycle to School Week will take place next week. Please encourage your child to cycle or scoot to school, where our lovely TAs will be giving out prizes, with a bonus prize for wearing a helmet! Thank you for your ongoing support in keeping your children safe.  

    Please remember to refer to our uniform policy to ensure your child is wearing the correct items. PE kits should be brought on Monday and taken home on Friday. As always, if for whatever reason you are struggling to obtain the correct items, please contact the office confidentially and we will support with pre-loved uniform where available. We will be sending polite uniform prompts where necessary. Once again, thank you for your cooperation. 

    Before the dark nights close in too much, I hope you are able to enjoy some sunshine this weekend. See you next week! 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 2 - Friday 13 September 2024

    Published 13/09/24

    I can’t believe that we are at the end of the second week already. How time flies when you are enjoying the company of wonderful learners! 

    As you are aware, we started our new timetable of lunch starting 10 minutes later this year. As with everything new, we were well aware that we may not get it right first time, and we have had some teething issues as we work hard trying to find the best pattern in order to ensure a swift yet adequate turnaround in the dining hall for the learners. Please be patient with us until we get this just right. 

    Another change is the opening of our school gates at 08:35. So far, this has been successful as it means that the majority of our learners are in at 08:40 and can promptly start their morning activity. Please note that the doors still open at 08:40. 

    In order to avoid large gatherings on the school property, we would ask that when you have collected your child at the end of the day, you refrain from using the apparatus on KS2 as this cannot be supervised by Penshurst staff and there is a risk of accident. Thank you for your cooperation. 

    A reminder that Year 4 swimming lessons begin on Monday. Children should come to school in their school uniform and bring with them their swimming kit (swimming costume/shorts, goggles (if required) and a towel) in a separate bag. They will be changed in separate boy / girl changing rooms and will always be supervised. If your child is in the later group, they will not arrive back until approximately 3:10 dependent on traffic. 

    The chill is really starting to set in now. Wrap up warm and have a lovely weekend. 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • WEEK 1 - Friday 6 September 2024

    Published 06/09/24

    What a wonderful week this week has been.  

    No matter how many years you have worked in education, the new school year is usually met with a dash of trepidation and a spoonful of nerves. These all melted away when the gates opened on Wednesday and a sea of smiling, excited faces flooded through. Standing in front of our beautiful learners in assembly was such a privilege and I have very much enjoyed hearing all about their summer breaks.  

    This week, we have also welcomed our new starters in Reception and Nursery. After a few tears here and there, the learners settle in nicely and have a super day with their new peers. I have had a lovely time modelling plasticine, building with blocks and watching trainlines being constructed. I am very excited to get to know our newest learners better. 

    Calling all families to help raise funds for Penshurst! If you download the Asda Rewards App and sign up, then select Hessle High School and Penshurst Primary School, we receive £1 per register, and 0.5% of the total of your shopping. You can select us in the ‘CASHPOT FOR SCHOOLS’ section. We have a variety of plans for any funds, including developing our Forest School, enhancing our new library, and funding rewards and experiences for learners. Thank you in advance! 

    A couple of reminders: 

    • If for whatever reason your child is going to arrive at school after 9.30 and requires a school meal, this must be pre-ordered via the school office before this time to guarantee a lunch can be provided 

    • Please remember that your child’s PE kit should be brought to school in a drawstring bag only. Sadly, we do not have the space on pegs for rucksacks and these become a health and safety concern if they fall onto the floor. Thank you for your cooperation 

    Fingers crossed for decent weather this weekend – the autumn feeling is really drawing in! Have a great weekend, regardless. 

    Mrs Preston

    Head of School

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  • Head of School Blog 2023/2024

    Published 02/09/24

    To view Blogs from 2023/2024 please click here.

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  • Headteacher and Head of School Blog 2022/2023

    Published 24/08/23

    To view Blogs from 2022/2023 please click here.

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  • Headteacher and Head of School Blog 2021/2022

    Published 15/07/22

    To view Blogs from 2021/2022 please click here

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  • Headteacher and Head of School Blog 2020/2021

    Published 07/09/21

    To view Blogs from 2020/2021 please click here

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