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Penshurst Primary School

WEEK 12 - Friday 1 December 2023

Things are really ramping up in the run-up to Christmas here at Penshurst! 

Nursery have held their Stay and Play sessions with parents, Year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed their visit from the Planetarium, which supports their learning all about Space. One of my favourite moments of this week was the magic that happened in EYFS on Thursday. Our little learners were all settled, listening to their teachers read a story about the first kiss of snow, when what should happen? They looked out of the window and observed a flurry of exactly that! Yes, the teachers really did make that just happen! 😊 

Today, you will have received the first of our Advent Calendar stories to share with your child. Mrs Whitaker had the wonderful idea of creating an advent calendar bursting with Christmas stories, read by our brilliant team, for you to listen to. I hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed making them! 

The East Riding Music Hub have asked us to share some information about a signing choir that they would like to create. If you feel that your child would like to be part of this, please click on the following information and complete the application form. Thank you. 

ERYC Music Letter.pdf  Application form V2 - music.docx 

I hope you have a super first weekend of December and I look forward to seeing you next week. 

Mrs Preston

Head of School