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Calendar and Events

The School Year 2024-25

Autumn Term  
Inset Day  Monday 2 September 2024
Inset Day Tuesday 3 September 2024
Beginning of Term - School Reopens Wednesday 4 September 2024
Reception Staggered Starts Wednesday 4 - Friday 5 September 2024
New Nursery Staggered Starts Wednesday 4 - Friday 12 September 2024
FS2 Sorting Ceremony Friday 13 September 2024
Year 4 Swimming Lessons Monday 16 - Friday 27 September 2024
Flu Immunisations Monday 23 September 2024
FS2 Phonics and Maths Workshop Tuesday 1 October 2024
School Photographs  Thursday 3 October 2024
Progress Evening - Reception to Year 6 Monday 14 October 2024
Progress Evening - Reception to Year 6 Wednesday 16 October 2024
Reception 2025 Open Event Wednesday 23 October 2024
School Closes for Half Term Thursday 24 October 2024
Inset Day Friday 25 October 2024
School Reopens Monday 4 November 2024
Bikeability - Year 6 TBC
Bling Your Bike eveny TBC
Reception Post Office Visit Wednesday 4 December 2024
Flu Immunisation Catch Up Session Monday 9 December 2024
FS1 & FS2 Christmas Production Wednesday 11 December 2024
Christmas Lunch Wednesday 11 December 2024
Year 1 & Year 2 Christmas Concert Monday 16 December 2024
Year 1 & Year 2 Christmas Concert Tuesday 17 December 2024
Reports to Parents Wednesday 18 December 2024
Year 3 & Year 4 Church Service Wednesday 18 December 2024
Year 5 & Year 6 Church Service Wednesday 18 December 2024
School Closes  Friday 20 December 2024
Spring Term   
School Reopens Monday 6 January 2025
Reports to Parents Friday 14 February 2025
School Closes for Half Term Friday 14 February 2025
School Reopens Monday 24 February 2025
World Book Day  Thursday 6 March 2025
Red Nose Day Fundraiser Friday 14 March 2025
Class Photographs Thursday 20 March 2025
Summer Term   
School Closes  Friday 4 April 2025
School Reopens Tuesday 22 April 2025
Bank Holiday (School Closed) Monday 5 May 2025
Year 2 SATs (All Month) May 2025
Year 6 SATs (SAT's breakfast every morning) W/c Monday 12 May 2025
FS2 New Starters Welcome Meeting Wednesday 21 May 2025
School Closes for Half Term Friday 23 May 2025
School Reopens Monday 2 June 2025
Progress Evening - Reception to Year 6 Monday 2 June 2025
Progress Evening - Reception to Year 6 Wednesday 4 June 2025
Brake Walk Wednesday 11 June 2025
KS2 Sports Day  Tuesday 17 June 2025
KS1 Sports Day Tuesday 17 June 2025
FS2 Sports Day  Wednesday 18 June 2025
FS1 Sports Day  Wednesday 18 June 2025
P Factor TBC
Year 6 Residential  Monday 23 - Wednesday 25 June 2025
Reception to Year 5 Moving Up Days TBC
Year 6 to Year 7 Transition  Monday 9 - Friday 11 July 2025
Reports to Parents Friday 11 July 2025
End of Year - Nursery Thursday 17 July 2025
Year 6 Leavers Assembly Friday 18 July 2025
Whole School Picnic Friday 18 July 2025
School Closes for Summer Friday 18 July 2025

Information on the Parents and Friends Association’s events and activities can be found here. 

View the Nursery and Primary school term date calendars here 

In accordance with the Board of Governors' policy student holidays will not be authorised during the academic year. It is essential that students attend school to ensure they reach full potential. Contact the Attendance Department for further details -