School Clubs
Extended Learning Opportunities
Penshurst Primary School offers an array of extra-curricular activities to further enhance your child’s school life.
Please take a look at what is on offer below and then complete the booklet sent home termly with your child, making sure you give a first and second choice. Your child will be notified which club they have been allocated at the start of each new term. We also provide sports every morning for those children who attend Breakfast Club.
These are just a few of the clubs we may have on offer:
- Sports - including Basketball, Dodge Ball, Badminton, Tennis and ball games. PE kit required
- Football - outside PE kit is required to participate in this club
- Games and Puzzles - Fun for all ages
- Top Trumps - Will you be the champion?
- Reading Club - Relax with a good book
- Bits and Bobs - Like to potter around?
An attendance register will be taken at every club. Poor attendance and unacceptable behaviour will result in your child being unable to attend after school clubs. Your children must be collected at 4:00pm.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club runs from 8am to 8.40am. There is a healthy variety of breakfast food and drinks available; there is a charge of £1.00 per session. Pupils need to arrive no later than 8.20am to register and order food.