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Head of Year 7 Blog



I am very proud to be the Head of Year 7.

If you wish to contact me, please email

January 2024

  • WEEK 18 - Friday 26 January 2024

    Published 26/01/24

    Hello to all our year 7 students and their families, 

    What a windy week! I hope everyone has kept roof tiles, fences, trampolines where they should be, and blue bins have remained upright for collections. We have been very proud of the year group at the start of each day as so many of them have picked up bits of rubbish that has been blown onto the Tennis Courts, and lots of them offering to hold the gate which kept swinging closed as the tutor groups were leaving to start they day.  Our value of Kindness is clearly evident. 

    Last week in assembly I went over some basic expectation reminders. Whilst the year group are doing well and have settled into their new routine there are some students who are forgetting basic equipment, PE kits, and house keys; I understand when this happens you are receiving calls or texts from them or that we are asking you to bring things in.  All of which is inconvenient and unnecessary.  We have reminded them of the need to be organised and take responsibility for their things. Please can you encourage them to have all their equipment, planners, uniform and shoes ready before bed to avoid a manic start to each day. 

    In tutor time this week students have been told about Bikeability - a chance for them to learn how to ride bikes safely, which is in school in the final week of the half term; they were told the booking deadline was 24th January and hopefully some of them will have signed up for this and be looking forward to gaining experience to stay safe. We have also looked at future careers- something that starts in Year 7 and builds more as they move through the school.  This week they have learned about T-Levels (vocational qualifications that are an alternative to A-Levels). The week ended with our assembly in which Mr Chapman spoke to them about lateness and awareness, as we work hard to reduce students arriving late to lessons and missing content. We also continue to maintain high standards and regularly check planners, equipment, and uniform daily.  

    Next week is a shorter week in school for your year group. You will have seen notifications that on Friday 2nd February, we are closed to Year 7-10 as our Year 11s have their Mock Interview and Target Setting Day, ahead of their GCSEs. Our year group will experience this awesome day when they reach Year 11.   Work will be placed online for students to complete at home and this is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their independence and responsibility to complete this.  Please ensure your child is aware of this and can access Microsoft with ease; if there are any forgotten passwords, please tell them to see us at the start of the week. 

    As we now near a brighter, sunnier weekend, please remember we are here to support your child and if you need to speak to us, please call the school and choose option 7, option 1; alternatively, email us at  

    Stay safe and take care, 

    Mrs Todd

    Head of Year 7

    Mrs Davies 

    Assistant Head of Year 7

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  • WEEK 16 - Friday 12 January 2024

    Published 12/01/24

    Hello to all our year 7 students and their families, 

    May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2024; I hope the festivities of the past few weeks have allowed you all to create some fabulous memories; take great photos to look back on in the future; and enjoy plenty of time to relax together- or on your own if you found that golden gap in the day. 

    My first piece of news is that from next Monday, Mrs Kay Davies joins the year 7 team as our Assistant Head of Year; it was an early Christmas present when we successfully appointed her just before we ended the term, and I am excited to have her join the team and be an integral part of the day for our students. Her years within the education sector will be invaluable. Like myself, she is an ex- Hessle student and has worked at other local secondary schools within the area. Over the festive break we met up for a chat about the year group and our priorities; the hour or so we planned suddenly turned into three and a half hours, by which time we both realised we should move our cars before overstaying the limit.  I think that bodes well for us working in tune and ensuring together, with the tutors, your child has regular norms, routines and support. 

    Returning to the start of the new term, the students returned this week sharing lovely stories about what they received, where they went, who they caught up with- including box sets and sleep. Listening to them speak it is clear memories were made and I hope they treasure them for years to come.  There were more students wearing coats and outdoor wear, plus school bags bulging with other items that they were keen to show their friends. Please can I remind you that beyond a pair of earrings and a watch, no other jewellery is permitted; make-up is not to be worn; and electronic devices that are brought into the school are the responsibility of the child.  I have talked about this in our assembly and appreciate your support. 

    In tutor time this week, tutors have completed welfare checks, and been revisiting our basic routines and expectations; this was also the focus of our Friday assembly where Mr Sinclair and I went through the areas that we need students to focus on and what we are hoping to see from them in the coming weeks. Next week we will be holding our Celebration assembly for the past half term- Which tutor group has the highest attendance? Who has the highest house points? Whose behaviour is impressing us? The spinning wheel will be whirling round as we identify randomly generated rewards and building suspense and tension as students await the wheel stopping. The final awards will be based around the school values and I will identify, not easily, 6 students who have demonstrated a value in a particular moment. Tutors are also giving their awards so keep your eyes on correspondence as we will notify you when your child is rewarded.  

    Our school values are a great place to start for anybody wanting to generate a new year resolution or set a personal target. Respect, Resilience, Responsibility, Kindness, Aspiration, and Integrity are all worth encouraging your child to develop within themselves. These values underpin each day and embedding these within students is the building upon their characteristics and develop themself ready for exploring the wider world in the future. 

    My final point this week is a request to parents and carers, please can you check your information on the Arbor App. I have attempted to contact some families this week and mobile numbers no longer work; when talking to students' new phones at Christmas, or general contract updates, mean we may not have the correct contact information for you. 

    As I leave for the time being, please remember you can contact us via phone or email if there is anything we need to know or if your child needs support. The year 7 email address is and is monitored by me and our assistant HOY. If calling the school, the year 7 office is option 7 followed by option 1- This will bring you to the phones on the desks on Mrs Davies and myself.  If we are not available, please leave us a message and we will call you at the first opportunity. 


    For now, stay safe and take care. 

    Mrs Todd

    Head of Year 7

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