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Head of Year 7 Blog



I am very proud to be the Head of Year 7.

If you wish to contact me, please email

March 2024

  • WEEK 24 - Friday 15 March 2024

    Published 18/03/24

    Hello to all our Year 7 students and their families, 

    Over the past couple of weeks, I have been working on developing routines and expectations within lessons; whilst outside the lessons, we have been working on developing Kindness and Resilience with our year group. 

    We are incredibly lucky to have a wide range of fabulous teachers who all enjoy imparting their knowledge and help our students to learn. However, we have been looking at how students feel in lessons and found that sometime the way we do things differs slightly- such as counting down for silence or raising our hand to signal the need to be silent. For some students these differences can be confusing, so I have been working to develop a more consistent approach, with small subtle changes and the benefits of this have been seen by teachers and the students. As this is proving beneficial, I am now rolling this out with more groups in the coming weeks. As I wrote last time, developing good routines and having high expectations can make significant differences to the learning environment and the positive culture that I am working to instil for the year group. 

    Beyond the classroom, we continue to see our students changing friendship groups, having points where they are happy and sad, and trying to navigate the world of which a ‘pre-teen’ belongs. I don’t envy this and have had a number of conversations with parents who all agree that ‘It wasn’t like that when we were at school!’  

    Last week, you should have received an email regarding the use of social media making clear that none of the students in our year group are old enough to be accessing these platforms; and, when they still do, it can often lead to unpleasantness for them. This is because they are too young to be able to deal with the multiple issues that can arise through online communication on shared platforms. It takes a great deal of work from us – as pastoral leaders – to repair relationships and to encourage kindness amongst the year group. Your support in ensuring that your child in Year 7 is not using these platforms is appreciated. 

    This week the focus of my Year 7 Assembly was ‘Kindness’ and reflecting on the importance of the power of the words that we use; kindness, not only towards others but also on ourselves. Hopefully by the end of the assembly students could recognise that even the smallest amount of kindness can go a long way! I was bought a wonderful book by a colleague called ‘The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’ and within its pages are some of the most wonderful quotes about life and particularly 'kindness' - two of which stood out the most. "Nothing beats kindness," said the horse. It sits quietly beyond all things and "The funny thing is" said the Mole..."The tiniest act of kindness can save a life".  

    When watching the daily news or reading the papers, it is very easy to become downhearted and feel overwhelmed by the levels of negativity and unhappiness across the globe, and now more than ever it seems appropriate that we take every opportunity possible to make another person smile. A simple act of kindness can have such an effect. And the best bit...Being kind is for everyone! That feeling you get when you see the impact of kindness can improve your whole day and hopefully inspire others to ‘pay it forward’ and do the same for others- The ripple effect.  

    So, what are random acts of kindness? Listed below are a handful of examples of acts of kindness that could make a difference to someone: Pay someone a compliment, Smile at someone, Send a message to a friend you know is struggling, Do something nice for someone you may not know very well (hold a door open, get in touch, ask how they are), Help someone with their work/revision, Tell someone who you admire, why you admire them, Thank someone. Whilst being kind to others is important, so is remembering to be kind to yourself as well. With social media playing such a large part in our lives understanding what self-kindness means is imperative. Don't judge yourself harshly, don't hold yourself to impossibly high standards and stop comparing yourself to others for making a mistake, or not being good enough.  

    I will leave on wishes for a wonderful, relaxing, and hopefully sunny Easter Holidays. Whatever you get up to when the holidays start, please enjoy and find time to make more precious memories. 

    Take care and stay safe, 

    Mrs Todd

    Head of Year 7

    Mrs Davies 

    Assistant Head of Year 7

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  • WEEK 22 - Friday 1 March 2024

    Published 01/03/24

    Hello to all our year 7 students and their families, 

    We have reached, and hopped over, the halfway point of the school year. Thinking back, it must feel like only yesterday you learned your child had secured their place at Hessle High; it wasn’t until the end of last June that I learned I was to be their Head of Year, yet here we are entering the spring- with longer days and hopefully better weather preparing to greet us as we step outside. 

    Since returning last week, I have had the pleasure of visiting many Year 7 lessons and seeing how they are engaging in their learning; developing many new skills; and hearing how proud their teachers are of what they do in their classroom.  

    We are also working hard on developing, and maintaining, high expectations and embedding consistent routines for the year group. Getting these secured in place now will allow us to have a positive culture within the year group and build upon skills that have lifelong value and importance. 

    Research and experience show how it is more effective to build positive behaviours than control negative student behaviour. As staff, we demonstrate positive behaviours and relationships as a way of modelling to our students. Within the year group, we understand that ‘one size’ doesn’t fit all, and changes do happen. The routines seen in classrooms can positively affect students’ academic performance as well as their behaviour; therefore, one proactive strategy is for us to adopt a consistent classroom routine and give your child the best experience. 

    Each morning, we have stringent routines which are simply a set of procedures for handling both daily occurrences, and minor interruptions of instruction. Routines that require interaction between teacher and student (or among students) also serve to positively reinforce communication and social skills and are one way for teachers to judge the quantity and quality of students’ skills in these areas. Essentially, once taught, routines are daily activities that students can complete with little or no teacher assistance, we accomplish the positive culture that we strive to create.  

    As our students know, I often remind the year group that my expectations are ‘as high as the heels I wear’ (These are usually high, unless I am injured or my outfit suits something flat.) and we are continually reminding students about the basic expectations; these include developing and embedding our 6 core values: Kindness, Integrity, Aspiration, Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. I have had a push on increasing the use of these phrases during conversations with students- letting them know when I see them demonstrating one, or the importance of developing one.  

    With the focus on routines and expectations being key for me this half term, there are a couple of areas that we are working on with the year group. 

    The first one is the routine of being prepared: Each day starts with checks of uniform, planners, and equipment. Please can I remind you that we expect all students to have their planner every day and their stationery: 2 pens, pencil, ruler, rubber, purple/ red/ green biro; passing these checks each day give students extra house points each week- and this week we have distributed Haribos, Fizzy Haribos, Biscuits, Freddos, and so many ‘Queue jump’ passes that I have suggested they save them to avoid them jumping the queue with 80+ other students.  

    The other focus is the use of Social Media. Before Christmas I delivered an assembly about the age restrictions that are set for various apps. Whilst age restrictions are in place, I am not naive in thinking that students don’t engage in using these apps and have spoken to them about using them responsibly and being kind. We have expressed how being part of group chats is not advised and that they should not post things which will lead to conflicts or hurting the feelings of others. Since Christmas, there appears to be a lot more social media activity in the year group. Please can you be vigilant of how they are using this and encourage them to stay off group chats and report/ block people if needed. 

    Finally, I would like to say an enormous thank you for attending our first Progress Evening. We had a splendid turn out over the two evenings and teachers have been pleased about how our year group are supported at home. Again, this reiterates the importance of us all working collaboratively to give the students the best we have to offer. 

    As always, if you need to contact us, please do so by calling the school and using option 7, option 1; alternatively, please email  

    Take care and stay safe,

    Mrs Todd 

    Head of Year 7 

    Mrs Davies

    Assistant Head of Year 7 

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