How to Get Here
Bus Information
The majority of our students travel to school by bus, but you may wish your child to cycle, walk or be taken to school by car. Home to School transport is provided by East Riding council and their policy states when a child is eligible for transport.
- Students should always use footpaths and be courteous to other users doing the same
- Students should have a preset route agreed with parents/carers
- Student should never accept a lift from anyone, even if they say they are known to the family or school
- Students should always report anything that seems suspicious or that makes them feel uneasy
- Students should have a preset route agreed with parents
- Students should wear a bike helmet and high visibility clothing
- Students should ensure that they have a front and back brake light that work properly
- Students should use roads and paths in a courteous manner and familiarise themselves with the Highway Code
School Bus
Route maps of our buses H1 Bus Route / H2 Bus Route / H3 Bus Route / H4 Bus Route
Please click here for the School Bus times and prices.
If you live three miles or more from school or if the journey from your home to school is deemed by the Local Authorities to be a hazardous route your child may be issued with a free bus pass. If you think you qualify, please contact them on 01482 613900 (ext 3900). Those children that live outside the catchment area can buy a daily ticket, a weekly ticket which is cheaper than the daily rate or a four week ticket from the bus company directly. A discounted termly pass can be purchased from the school (see below).
Payment for the bus can be made daily in cash directly to the bus driver or a discounted termly pass can be purchased. Single journey tickets are sold on the bus. Return journey tickets can be purchased at a slightly reduced rate. If a return ticket is bought, the ticket must be retained for the return journey; failure to do so will result in an additional fare being charged.
From 1 October 2022 new starters will no longer be eligible for subsidised transport unless using the school bus service routes H1, H2, H3 or H4 currently provided by East Yorkshire Motor Services.
The discounted termly return journey pass is subsidised by approximately 10% to keep costs to a minimum. There will be no other price concessions. The Spring term bus pass letter can be found here, a personalised pass will be issued upon receipt of the full payment.
Behaviour expectations
We expect students using the buses to conduct themselves in an orderly manner. Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated and could result in your child being refused a place on the bus or the service being withdrawn. Please speak to your child regarding the School Bus Expectation and Behaviour Code.
We would encourage older students to provide a positive role model and for all students to report any behaviour concerns to the Student Services Team. We take the safety of our students very seriously, however, any complaints about buses or service providers should be made directly to the Local Authority Home to School Coordinator via East Riding of Yorkshire Council website or by telephone on 03456 445959. For further details, please visit
Safeguarding our students is always a high priority. We would appreciate you taking the time to reinforce the importance of safety for your child on the way to and from school.