Support Services
When you join us you will receive a personal tutor. These members of staff focus on helping and supporting you throughout your studies. They will meet with you for an hour each week, as well as being available at other times for questions or support.
Each site also has its own dedicated Student Services Manager. Spending their whole day working in the heart of their Sixth Form College, they each provide a vital and valued contact point for all students who study with us.
The academic review is a regular process that is carried out. This will allow you to understand and track your progress in each subject. These are measured against projected grades and are intended to help you focus and take responsibility.
At The Consortium Sixth Form Partnership a large proportion of students progress to their first choice university once they have completed their studies with us.
As one of our students you will be guided through the whole UCAS process. You will attend a Higher Education convention at Hull University and also get the lowdown on student finance, university life and your full options.
Our team of personal tutors help, on an individual basis, to select the right university and to complete the application process; from developing an impressive personal statement to submitting your completed online form.
More information regarding UCAS can be found on their website.
Careers advice also features highly. As part of our provision, specialist advice and guidance is available at all colleges for students to access.
Information can also be found at the DirectgovLink website.
16 to 19 Bursary Fund
Current information regarding financial support via the 16-19 Bursary Fund can be found on our Consortium Sixth Form Partnership website - please click here.