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WEEK 10 - Friday 17 November 2023

Anti-Bullying Week took place from Monday 13th-Friday 17th November and the theme this year is Make a Noise About Bullying, which reminds us of the importance to speak up about bullying. 

During tutor time this week the students have been discussing the difference between ‘teasing’, ‘conflict’, ‘a mean moment’ and ‘bullying’.  

Teasing is when: 

  • Everyone is having fun 

  • No one is getting hurt 

  • Everyone is participating 

Conflict is when: 

  • No one is having fun 

  • There is a possible solution to the disagreement 

  • There is an equal balance of power 

A mean moment is when: 

  • Someone is being hurt on purpose 

  • Reaction to a strong feeling or emotion 

  • An isolated event (it does not regularly happen) 

Bullying is when: 

  • Someone is being hurt on purpose 

  • It is repetitive (happens regularly) 

  • There is an imbalance of power 

We have focused not only on students gaining a clear understanding of the difference between ‘teasing’, ‘conflict’, ‘a mean moment’ and ‘bullying’ but most importantly on how to deal with this type of behaviour and the importance of reporting things to a trusted adult; parent, tutor, teacher or the pastoral team. 

Additional information: 

New extra curricula opportunity: Japanese club (Thursday after school Y7 - Y11).  This is a unique opportunity to have a go at learning a very different language. 

Monday 20 November – Dr Bike. Students can bring their bikes to school to be serviced for free. Please ask your child to bring their bike into school and leave it in the designated area which will be signposted. 

COMPETITION TIME – As mentioned in my last blog; we are running a Year 8 attendance competition and the tutor group with the highest number of students with 100% attendance at the end of this half term will win the Hot Chocolate and Waffle Award before the Christmas break. The tutor group currently in first place is Cassio 3, but there is plenty of time for this to change. Please continue to encourage your child to attend school every day and contact us if you have any concerns regarding your child’s attendance etc. 

Thank you for your continued support and please do contact us with any questions or concerns;

Miss Pinkney

Head of Year 8

Miss Briggs

Assistant Head of Year 8