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Head of Year 10 Blog


I am very proud to be the Head of Year 10.

If you wish to contact me, please email

April 2024

  • WEEK 28 - Friday 26 April 2024

    Published 29/04/24

    Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards 

    As a school, we are proud to support students’ participation in the Duke of Edinburgh’s awards programme. The programme allows students to participate at one of three progressive levels which, when successfully completed, leads to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. There are four sections to complete at Bronze and Silver level and five at Gold. These involve: helping the community/environment, becoming fitter, developing new skills, planning, training for and completing an expedition and, for Gold only, working with a team on a residential activity. Through this programme young people have fun, make friends, improve their self-esteem and build confidence. They gain essential skills and attributes for work and life such as resilience, problem-solving, team-working, communication and drive, enhancing CVs and university and job applications. Top employers recognise the work-ready skills Award holders bring to their business. 

    Last weekend, 13 Year 10 students took part in a three-day practice expedition as part of their Silver DofE Award. They were required to navigate, walk and complete activities for 7 hours each day. They cooked for themselves on a camping stove, rustling up some tasty meals, and camped for two evenings. Not only did they face the challenge of the walk, but they were also required to carry all their belongings for the weekend in a 65-litre rucksack, really putting their stamina to the test. These 13 students rose to the challenge and excelled, gaining some valuable life skills and making some lasting memories along the way. Following their success in this practice expedition, these students will complete their qualifying expedition next month in North Yorkshire.  

    Well done to all students involved and a huge thank you to Ms Moore and Mr Scott for supporting the students during the weekend. 

    Changes to Year 10 day 

    A small change to the Year 10 day will take place next week. From Monday 29th April, Year 10 will be switching over from early lunch to late lunch in order to support the Year 11 GCSE exams.  

    Student Shout-Outs 

    Year 10 Shout-Outs have continued to roll in over the last fortnight and, as always it’s been really pleasing to be able to reward the hard work and effort demonstrated by students in this year group as well as the strength of character shown by many of them each and every day.. 

    My favourite comment of the last week came from Miss Keeble: 

    “I had a conversation with this student last week as I had noticed his ATL (attitude to learning) had massively improved this half term. He informed me that he had realised his grades were slipping so he is putting in more effort. It shouldn't go unnoticed that he is doing the right thing!”  

    This is exactly the sort of attitude that will stand him in good stead as we move towards Year 11. Well done Ahmed. 




    School Value 

    Evie (10O2 - HHS) 

    Excellent work in Photography, Always working hard and putting 100% into lessons.  

    S Lewis 


    Matilda (10P3 - HHS) 

    Excellent work in Photography, Always working hard and putting 100% into lessons.  

    S Lewis 


    Molly (10A3 - HHS) 

    Excellent work in Photography lessons, and directing shoots for best outcomes. Well done Molly  

    S Lewis 


    Tierney (10A2 - HHS) 

    Well done, showing improved progress in lesson attendance and participation in shoots 

    S Lewis 


    Lilly (10O1 - HHS) 

    Good work in Art, Well done. 

    K Moore 


    Ksenija (10C2 - HHS) 

    Good work in Art, Well done. 

    K Moore 


    Macy (10P2 - HHS) 

    Fantastic work in Art, Well done. 

    K Moore 


    Ryan (10A3 - HHS) 

    Working hard on practical in Engineering 

    A Deveney 


    Harley (10P3 - HHS) 

    Working hard on practical in Engineering 

    A Deveney 


    Jacob (10O2 - HHS) 

    Getting one of the closest measurements in Engineering.  

    A Deveney 


    Mason (10C3 - HHS) 

    Getting one of the closest measurements in Engineering.  

    A Deveney 


    William (10A2 - HHS) 

    Always working hard in DT but also always being extra kind. Will goes above and beyond to help students who are struggling. Will is a perfect role model and extremely polite and kind to those students in lesson but also to staff he comes across! :)  

    A Deveney 


    Imogen (10P2 - HHS) 

    Always asks me how I am which is appreciated! 

    C Groak 


    Misty (10P2 - HHS) 

    Always really chatty and kind in tutor. 

    C Groak 


    Amelia (10P2 - HHS) 

    Always really polite in tutor. 

    C Groak 


    Ozan (10P1 - HHS) 

    Fantastic work in a practical, very responsible and got everything done within the time. Some great questions too. 

    Z Chase 


    Evie (10P1 - HHS) 

    Fantastic work in a practical, very responsible and got everything done within the time. Some great questions too. 

    Z Chase 


    Mr Riches

    Head of Year 10

    Mrs Lacey

    Assistant Head of Year 10

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  • WEEK 26 - Friday 12 April 2024

    Published 12/04/24

    Student Shout-Outs 

    As always, it’s been pleasing to see a number of Shout-Outs from staff linked to our school values – House Points and Postcards have been issued and any student receiving Shout-Outs will also be in the draw for rewards during our termly rewards assembly. I’m particularly pleased to see the number of students acting with “Kindness” towards staff and peers, demonstrating the character we aim to instil in all our students. 





    Joe (10P2) 

    Joe is always super polite and engages well in tutor. 

    C Groak 


    Misty (10P2) 

    Always really polite and chatty - brightens up my mornings! 

    C Groak 


    Leo (10A3) 

    Always asks me how I am - thank you! 

    C Groak 


    Zoe (10P1) 

    Always great with all peers and polite towards me! 

    C Groak 


    Maisie (10O3) 

    Always tries her hardest in all lessons! 

    C Groak 


    Imogen (10P2) 

    Excellent start back. Already making progress from last set of tests. 

    C Minns 


    William (10A2) 

    Well done on going above and beyond in your Photography lessons.  

    K Moore 


    Sanga (10C2) 

    Amazing contributions in all Spanish lessons and really great attempts at challenging tasks! 

    G Oddell 


    Rebecca (10A2) 

    Well done for working hard in your photography lessons. Your work is developing very well.  

    K Moore 


    Abigail (10C2) 

    Thank you for supporting your fellow students in your photography class. They owe you a big thank you.  

    K Moore 


    Esme (10O3) 

    Well done on the enthusiasm you bring to your Art GCSE! You are always working hard. 

    K Moore 


    Esther (10O3) 

    For helping out on the two-day practice Bronze Expedition. A big thank you! 

    K Moore 


    Mckenzie (10C1) 

    Always working hard in Computer Science and attending coding club to gain more skills in his coding in prep for his exam in Y11. 

    M Wheeler 


    Subject focus 

    As we approach Year 11, I will be sharing some brief updates from across the range of subjects taught at Key Stage 4, summarising the work completed recently and what to be looking out for in the near future. Our first spotlight is on Sociology, studied by over 50 students in Year 10. 

    GCSE Sociology helps students to gain knowledge and understanding of key social structures, processes and issues through the study of families, education, crime and deviance and social stratification (layers of society). 

    So far this year, students have studied: 

    • the “Family” unit (including looking at how families have changed over time and the roles families play in society)  

    • the “Education” unit (where we have looked at the purpose of education, different types of school and what they offer, as well as how education has changed over time).  

    Pupils have recently completed their end of “Education” unit assessments with students making progress from previous assessments with many of them meeting or beating their target grades. All students have shown great resilience and aspiration with many keen to find out their marks and asking how they can improve for next time.  

    This term, we begin our final module of Year 10: Research Methods. Over the coming weeks, students will be learning about why sociologists carry out research, the ethical problems they have to overcome, and how they ensure that their research is valid and reliable. I look forward to their continued efforts and progress over the Summer term. 

    Sporting Update 

    Finally, some sporting success. Three Year 10 students represented the school this week, playing for the Year 11 rugby team. Riley, Harry and Dylan all played a big role in a resounding 44-0 victory in the quarter finals of the Yorkshire Plate with both Riley and Harry successfully kicking over to add to the score. The semi-final draw is yet to take place but we already know it will be an away match, as will the final if the team is successful in the next round. A huge congratulations to the boys involved – Mr Compton could not speak highly enough of the way you conducted yourselves. Well done. 

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